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  • Writer's pictureChris Bradford

📊Friday, April 24th MARKET WATCH!!!🏡 COVID-19 EDITION #3,259? IDK LOSING TRACK

📊Friday, April 24th MARKET WATCH!!!🏡 COVID-19 EDITION #3,259? IDK LOSING TRACK:

We're seeing market activity continue it's steady rise, slowly but surely, with numbers that are on track to be the best since we took a steep nosedive in March.

▪️ 7 Accepted Offers were recorded yesterday, asking price for those homes ranged from $329K-$112,500 with an average 10 days on market.

▪️ Total weekly Accepted Offers is up to 41 (sun-sat) putting us in position to outperform last week's total of 42.

▪️ 9 new homes hit the market, bringing our total of available homes up to 190. Not great but better!

▪️ 104 Homes have Sold in April. By month's end we will probably finish below March's total (183), maybe even or slightly above February (126), but definitely well below April 2019's total of 227.

I'm seeing more activity on my end, and there are ways to do it safely and continue to be responsible while still helping clients achieve their goals. Virtual tours, limited showing dates, gloves, masks, booties..we got it all! Check out to see some virtual tour examples! *information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed* #lafayetteindiana #lafayetterealestate #westlafayette #westlafayetterealestate #westlafayettehomes #boilerup #privaterealtor

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