📊Tuesday, April 14th MARKET WATCH!!!🏡 STILL NEED A HAIRCUT EDITION 🦁 In these daily updates I attempt to track home buyer confidence by posting Accepted Offers, New Listings and additional MLS info. 11 Accepted Offers were recorded yesterday, which outperformed last week's Monday total of 7, but below all other Monday's in both March and April. Asking Prices for these homes ranged from $95K to $330K at an average of $186K. Average days on market for yesterday's accepted offers was 11, 5 of which sold within the first 3 days. 8 new homes hit the market, but an interesting new development was a high number of withdrawn/cancelled listings. 5 sellers decided to sit it out for awhile yesterday. The new chart shows the daily numbers since I started tracking on March 1st. Previously the highest daily amount we have had is 3, with 0-2 being the most common. Hopefully this is just an annomaly and not a new trend. The homes that left the market were on the higher end with prices ranging from $359K to $500K and all seemed to be occupied according to pics. Let's keep using gloves, masks, shoe covers, virtual tours, online signatures only, everything we can to keep it safe. Check out www.realbradford.com to see some virtual tour examples! *information is deemed reliable but not definitive* #lafayetteindiana#lafayetterealestate#westlafayette#westlafayetterealestate#westlafayettehomes#boilerup#privaterealtor
